When you’re buying a newly constructed home, one crucial part of the buying process is performing a walkthrough with the builder. This walkthrough gives you the opportunity to assess the quality of the work and identify any issues before closing the sale. However, if you’re not familiar with what to look for during the walkthrough, you could end up missing important details that may result in headaches down the line. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what you should expect during a new construction walkthrough so that you’ll feel confident and well-prepared.

Start with a visual inspection

The first step during the walkthrough is to examine the exterior of the property before moving inside. Check the exterior walls, foundation, and roof for any cracks or chipped paint, which may indicate a potential problem. Next, evaluate the landscaping, making sure the lot is graded away from the house and that the soil slopes away from the foundation. It’s also a good idea to examine the inclusion of any promised amenities, such as decks, fences, and patios, to see whether they meet your requirements.

Inspect the interior

Once you’ve checked out the outside, it’s time to move inside the home. Begin with the basics: check the windows, interior doors, and flooring. Make sure that all the window latches work correctly, that the doors shut flush, and inspect the flooring for any scratches or chips. Then, turn your attention to the walls and ceilings. Look for signs of water damage, such as cracks, stains, or bulges, as they may indicate a leak. Don’t forget to check the bathroom and kitchen fixtures, making sure they are all working correctly and that there are no leaks. 

Focus on the outlets

When inspecting the electrical systems, it’s critical to ensure that all the outlets and switches are correctly wired. Check every outlet for power using a plug tester, which can be found at most hardware stores. If you’re looking for new home builders in Cape Cod, you may want to visit http://cppbuilders.com/ website. Additionally, ensure the lighting fixtures are correctly wired, and there is enough lighting throughout the home. Make sure that if ceiling fans are promised, they are in place and function adequately.

Check the plumbing 

Water damage can be one of the most expensive problems to fix in a home. That’s why it’s essential to inspect the plumbing carefully. Start by turning on all the water sources in the home, including faucets, toilets, showers, and tubs. Check for water pressure, leaks, and signs of damage around the pipes. If the floors feel squishy under your feet, that could indicate water damage.

Final walkthrough

After the walkthrough has finished, it’s strongly recommended to perform a final walkthrough before closing the deal. The final walkthrough is an opportunity to see if any repair work has been successfully completed, to ensure the home is left in the same condition as during the first walkthrough, including all included items such as appliances, fixtures, and custom finishes.

A new construction walkthrough is a crucial part of the home buying process that ensures your future home is built to perfection, and everything is working correctly as promised. When you’re performing a walkthrough, always remember to keep your wits about you, be vigilant, and ask the builder about anything you’re not sure about. While nobody wants to move into a new home only to discover issues later, with these tips, you should be prepared to be confident, informed, and blissfully happy in your new home.